Thanks so much for the generous shoutout for me for all the others in our talented group, Emily! I love your description of your own newsletter as “a lunch break for the mind that races.” I also enjoyed your tips for spiking flavor and want to try every one! I like to add Parmesan rinds to soups with tomato- or legume-rich bases, then some grated parm on top.

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Emily! Thank you for the incredibly gracious shout out, I love reading your newsletter as well. Your sincerity and genuine glee and disappointments in the food world/trends are refreshing and so welcome, to say the least.

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You described all of our newsletters so well! 👍

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Hello Emily!

I'd also like to thank you for your kind words about my newsletter. What a great bunch of writers you all are, and such nice people too. That's important to me.

I read Anne Helen Peterson's article with interest because I'm also increasingly worried about the hold that FB seems to have over people's attitudes. Whilst it once seemed like a good way for people to connect, it now feels less benign. I still love IG though! For some weird reason I feel like I have more control over my feed and therefore what's seeping into my brain - mainly pictures of dogs and homemade bread at the moment!

I love your newsletter and can't wait to read the next edition.

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Thank you so much Emily for the shout-out, and what a pleasure to meet you and share these four weeks of Substack learning and growing together. Let's keep in touch!

Secret ingredient wise, I'm totally obsessed by nutmeg in cream-based sauces, too, and I recently met a chef that uses allspice or ginger to flavour meringue... Absolutely mind blowing!

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