Now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both!

About this

In Good Taste is a bimonthlyish newsletter offering interesting food for thought: via recipes, light ranting, links that you might reserve a 500th browser tab for.

You can expect a recipe of something I’ve made recently, as well as a few highbrow and lowbrow links to read on a variety of tasteful topics.

You’ll like In Good Taste if you like: treatises on food & drink; domestic pursuits; history; hobby gardening; interior decorating; home design; roads both more and less traveled; cool science facts; old houses; salty foods

You won’t find much clickbait, news of the day, or the bad opinions of others.

About me

I’m Emily (she/her). I like to say that I know a little about a lot: I’m the person you want on your trivia team! By day, I am a creative strategist at Pinterest. Raised in Tampa, rooted in Atlanta.

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You have a zillion other emails to read, by choice or by necessity. I’ll (try to) keep it brief.

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A newsletter of good recipes, good lunch break links, and other good things.


general enthusiast who knows a little about a lot. creative strategist @ pinterest, ATLien by way of Tampa, "fact lady." ✌️